Enrichment City staff is comprised of experienced education professionals and enthusiasts.
Dr. Rodgers's professional experience also extends to grant writing, consultation, and serving as a keynote speaker at colleges and conferences. Dr. Rodgers has been awarded over 17 million dollars in grants due to his professional grant writing experiences and program implementation. He is available to help in implementation strategies for 21CCLC programs and other federal funded programs. Dr. Rodgers also often provides professional development in building innovative extended learning programs, combating implicit bias in education and beyond, effective leadership, and more. Through Enrichment City, LLC, Dr. Rodgers helps school districts and community organizations collaborate to provide quality extended learning programs.
Dr. Rodgers currently works as a consultant and adjunct professor. In addition, Dr. Rodgers was one of 15 leaders in the United States selected for the 2019 - 2020 term to serve as an Afterschool Ambassador for the Afterschool Alliance.
Dr. Rodgers earned his Bachelor of Science degree from Old Dominion University, majoring in Education/Sports Management. He received his Master’s degree in Organizational Leadership from Fort Hays State University and a Doctorate of Education degree in Educational Psychology from Regent University. As a published author, one of Dr. Rodgers's research interests includes making extended learning programs more purposeful. He assists in developing programs and empowering personnel to reach their full potential.
Dr. Daryle Rodgers is the Founder and CEO of Enrichment City LLC and serves as an elected board member for the Virginia Partnership of Out of School Time. With over 20 years of experience in youth programming, Dr. Rodgers has worked as a federal programs director, out-of-school time coordinator, classroom teacher, athletic director, coach, and supervisor for the Department of Parks & Recreation.
Dr. Daryle Rodgers, CPRP, CGW